Friday, September 19, 2014

Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statement {5}

The Fate of Our Nation: Inspired by the Words of a Patriot 

On a cold, wintry day in March 1775, 120 conflicted delegates sat clustered together in a small church as the fate of our nation weighed upon their shoulders. With the mounting threat of the British sending troops, the delegates of the Second Virginia Convention had one very important decision to make—delay their defense or declare war. That day the hearts and souls of men were stirred when Patrick Henry bravely stood and delivered a speech that has since been remembered as one of the greatest moments in history. He rallied together his patriot brothers as he urged them to prepare for the battle he claimed, “Had already begun.” Through Henry’s effective use of timing, diction, and tone he successfully elicited the support of both his fellow delegates as well as that of the colonists throughout the states. Patrick Henry’s passionate plea to the honor, logic, and emotions of his fellow Americans influenced the outcome of the convention and impacted the future of our nation.

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