Friday, September 26, 2014

The Many Adventures of Jess and Cam {6}

Camilla and I have been best friends ever since I can remember. From the time we were wild little seven-year-olds to the hectic lives we now lead as college students, Cam has been by my side through the very best and the very worst. I had not imagined my life following the course that it has assumed the last few years but I could not be happier with the path I am on. Camilla and I were somewhat apprehensive at first of our "New Home" (a.k.a. Provo), but with a little bit of exploring and a lot of cleaning we are now happily content to live in our little apartment. Since school has begun we have experienced many new and exciting adventures including:

 attending our first intramural football game, 

purchasing our first donuts from the oh-so-delicious Krispy Kreme's, 

and discovering a pineapple dole whip ice cream parlor at our very own apartment complex! 

I am beyond grateful that I have such a wonderful friend as Camilla. I cannot wait for the next adventure college has in store for us!

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