Friday, December 5, 2014

Once Upon a Time, A Blogger was Born {20}

I have always been very skeptical about blogging. I have tried keeping a blog in the past but I have always deleted it because I never knew what to post on it and I was always terrified of the unknown people who could read what I blogged about. My experience with keeping a blog in Writing 150 has changed my whole perspective on blogging.

Every aspect of our lives is impacted through the use of the Internet in one capacity or another. It gives us the ability to connect with individuals from all of the world in a matter of seconds. Recognizing the power of speech and the individual power that I can have as a blogger inspired me to give blogging a second chance. Initially getting into the swing of blogging was difficult but once I made it a part of my everyday life my ability to blog started to come more naturally.

Fast forward a few months and now I  have over 30 drafts lying in my blogging arsenal just waiting to be released to the world. I have always loved writing and blogging is an effective outlet for me to voice my opinions and feelings about the world around me. I remember my father telling me as a little girl that I needed to make sure I kept a steady journal. I started out with good intentions but over the years my journal entries became further and further spread out. I have decided to continue my blog with the hopes of creating an online journal that I can conveniently access from my phone and computer.

Through my analysis of my entries I have discovered that the theme of my blog is about life, mine specifically. At the start of the semester my Writing 150 class and I set out to discover our personal stories. My blog has given me the opportunity to see my personal story enfold before my eyes. I already feel one step closer to knowing who I am as an individual and determining what can of story I want my life to be.

Dear friends and fellow bloggers, stay tuned... A blogger was just born.

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