Monday, December 1, 2014

10 Things to Know as a BYU Freshman {17}

So it's BYU that you've chosen is it? I commend you for selecting an excellent academic institution to pursue your collegiate ambitions. Here are ten things that will aid you further in your future ambitions as a Cougar (or as they were once known, a Zoobie—this term is not as widely acknowledged anymore).

1. AT ALL COSTS, try your best to avoid what are commonly known as the “Stairs of Death”. I naively thought there was just one set of ominous stairs but oh how wrong I was . . . Not only are these endless staircases spread-out all across campus, but they are also almost impossible to escape. I would highly recommend investing in some good tennis shoes.

2. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, lose your BYU ID. This small little plastic card is your golden ticket to accessing the printers on campus, the dreaded testing center, and can even be used to charge expenses to your student account. (If you do happen to lose this valuable little card and you are in a complete panic because you have a test in ten minutes, fear not! Your driver’s license can be used as proper photo identification to enable you to be admitted into your test. Journey on!)

3. In the movies college campus scenes depict students approaching random strangers to say hi as they pass by each other on their way to class. Let me Well there’s a reason why they call them moments from movies. It is very common to see students faces glued to their electronic devices as they are walking to and fro on campus. (Dare to be a brave soul and say hello to your fellow students.)

4. The creamery can be your best friend or your worst nightmare. Use it wisely . . .

5. Is there a massive line for the printers at the library? Fear not for there are printers that students can access in almost every building. Although some of them are difficult to find, with a little exploring and a few friendly inquiries, you are well on your way to a new printer.

6. At some point you may be told that there is a desirable phone application called Tinder that you should absolutely download, because that’s apparently how people meet these days. This is a lie, put down your phone and stop what you are doing immediately! As my roommate so wisely stated, "Nothing good ever comes from Tinder." Keep as far away from this dangerous vice as possible.

7. BYU’s campus is a lot bigger than it seems. Make sure you become acquainted with the locations of the different buildings while scheduling classes or you will end up undesirable circumstances like mine—running across campus each day like a madwoman in the attempts to reach my classes on time. Trust me, ten minutes is not enough time to get to classes on the opposite ends of campus before the bell rings without ending up looking like a banshee that’s just been released from it’s imprisonment.

8. If you want a parking spot remember this: Get there at eight or it is too late!

9. Utilize your campus resources! There are counselors, classes, lectures, seminars, etc. that are all organized to help you excel as a student. BYU has tried to make your experience as a freshman as easy as possible to ensure your success.

10. Listen to the bells. Do you feel like you're about to scream? Is that medical analysis due tomorrow and your computer just crashed deleting all of your copies? Stop and listen to the bells. Every hour the Centennial Carillon Bell Tower, home to 52 bells, plays Come, Come Ye Saints. Sometimes if you're lucky you will be subject to a live performance from the 90-foot bell tower. These bells, on several occasions, have restored my sanity.

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