Friday, November 28, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude {16}

I have always loved the Thanksgiving season. There is so much to be thankful for that I wish there would be more of a conscientious effort to show our gratitude throughout the year and not just in the season of gratitude. This year I have felt especially grateful to the Lord for blessing me with so many wonderful things in my life. Below are a list of a few of the blessings in my life that I am especially grateful for this year:

1. The opportunity to be able to study at an exceptional institution such as Brigham Young University.

2. A family who has always supported me and offered unconditional love to me even when I did not deserve it.

3. The ability to enjoy a wonderful thanksgiving feast with the people whom I love more than anything on this planet.

4. Two baby kittens to look after and play with when I go home. My life would be incomplete without those little love balls of fur.

5. Modern technology that enables me to stay close and keep in touch with my family that lives far away.

6. Wonderful roommates that have made my first semester at BYU unforgettable.

7. The power and influence that music has played in my life. If there is one thing that I miss more than anything, it is the ability to sit down at a piano at play for hours on end.

8. Sustaining energy that enables me to go absurd amounts of time without sleep and still be able to function and complete my assignments.

9. A wonderful job that helps me pay the bills. I love my little piano studio and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to teach so many talented young individuals.

10. Most importantly I am grateful for a Redeeming Savior who has been by my side through all of lives trials and triumphs. Without Him I would have nothing. I will forever be indebted to my Savior for the unconditional love He has always rendered towards me and on my behalf.

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