Saturday, November 1, 2014

An Adventurer At Heart {11}

My whole life I have longed to travel the world. I have always been baffled by the individuals that seem so content to grow up and spend their whole lives in just one tiny part of the world. There is so much that the world has to offer, there is so much yet to be discovered, and it is all out there waiting for me to go and find it.

The other day I was talking to my Grandmother about my dream to travel the world. She shared with me a few stories about the exotic cruises, ancient treks into the desert, and the luxurious palaces she has been to and seen in her lifetime. She told me something that instilled in me an even greater desire to explore the world around me: "Jessica, you'll never know what is out there until you go and see it for yourself. It is one thing to see it in a book or in a picture but it is a completely different experience to go and witness firsthand. There is nothing so magnificent as seeing the beauty of the earth with your own two eyes."

I hope to be able to go explore the world so that I can one day share with my grandchildren the wonders of the world that I witnessed with my own two eyes.

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