Monday, November 17, 2014

The Television—a Gift from the Future {14}

     Since it’s invention in 1929, the television has served as a window to the world around us—providing us with instant access to some of the greatest moments in history.  From man’s first step on the moon to the falling of the Berlin Wall, the television has given us eyes to moments that we otherwise would have been blind. This technology has given us a venue for inspiration and enrichment in our lives. If utilized as an aid to learn, the television can enhance our lives on a daily basis. Many of my lifelong dreams and career aspirations were influenced by the impact that this great medium has had in my life. I aspire to share with the world the positive impact that the television has had in my life and the blessing it has been for my family.

     Television was gradually introduced in the United States after World War II. By the 1970s, the majority of households were equipped with at least one television set.
Since then, television has surpassed mediums such as the radio and the Internet to become the most frequently used medium in the U.S. This technological advance in history has impacted each of us in our daily lives from miniscule to profound measures.

     For me personally, the television has played a major role in my life. As a little girl I grew up enjoying the many programs that the television had to offer. It enabled me to witness events that influenced the way I perceived the world around me and ultimately influenced the career path I have chosen to pursue. I can recall the countless times, as a young child, that I stayed up past my bedtime with the hopes of catching a glimpse of the late night talk show my parents were watching. This early exposure to talk shows fueled my aspirations of becoming a broadcaster. My love of public speaking and my desire to have an impact in society by reaching as many individuals as possible made the media that much more appealing to me. The television has been a source of contentment and happiness in my life and I hope to one day share this joy with others.

     Serving as an insight to the imaginations of some of the most brilliant minds of our day, the television has served as a source of entertainment for decades. With the major influence that the television has become in our homes, some have become concerned about whether it is truly having a positive impact on the minds of our future generations. The television offers us countless programs with a variety of knowledge at our disposal; it is up to us to choose what we do with this knowledge. If we choose to utilize the vast variety of information that the television provides us with, our future generations will be more aptly prepared to lead our great nation to a brighter tomorrow.

]     Most family rooms in America would be considered bare without the heartwarming glow of the television. It has become a major part of society, influencing and shaping the minds of our future generations. My dream to be a broadcaster was inspired by the talk shows I enjoyed as a child. The television fueled my ambitions to work in the media and has led me to seeking the opportunities I have today. It has brought my family courage in times of need, and happiness in times of sorrow. My childhood and the events in my life would not have been the same if I had not had the positive influence of the television in my life. The television is a gift from the future that has the ability to enlighten our minds even as it entertains us.


  1. Good job presenting your message. I like the way you used a black and white photograph with the background you have in the blog. That combination gave your post an olden day sort of feeling.

  2. The color scheme of your blog really matches the story. Really good.
