Friday, November 28, 2014

An Attitude of Gratitude {16}

I have always loved the Thanksgiving season. There is so much to be thankful for that I wish there would be more of a conscientious effort to show our gratitude throughout the year and not just in the season of gratitude. This year I have felt especially grateful to the Lord for blessing me with so many wonderful things in my life. Below are a list of a few of the blessings in my life that I am especially grateful for this year:

1. The opportunity to be able to study at an exceptional institution such as Brigham Young University.

2. A family who has always supported me and offered unconditional love to me even when I did not deserve it.

3. The ability to enjoy a wonderful thanksgiving feast with the people whom I love more than anything on this planet.

4. Two baby kittens to look after and play with when I go home. My life would be incomplete without those little love balls of fur.

5. Modern technology that enables me to stay close and keep in touch with my family that lives far away.

6. Wonderful roommates that have made my first semester at BYU unforgettable.

7. The power and influence that music has played in my life. If there is one thing that I miss more than anything, it is the ability to sit down at a piano at play for hours on end.

8. Sustaining energy that enables me to go absurd amounts of time without sleep and still be able to function and complete my assignments.

9. A wonderful job that helps me pay the bills. I love my little piano studio and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to teach so many talented young individuals.

10. Most importantly I am grateful for a Redeeming Savior who has been by my side through all of lives trials and triumphs. Without Him I would have nothing. I will forever be indebted to my Savior for the unconditional love He has always rendered towards me and on my behalf.

Friday, November 21, 2014

My Moment in Time {15}

     The brilliant lights threatened to blind me as I stepped onto the crowded stage. I tried to not think about the fiery train that billowed out behind me and threatened to trip me with each step. The moment my eyes found the comforting sleek, wooden bench I tuned out the deafening roar of the audience. As I took my seat the hall ushered in a profound silence. I took a deep breath to steady my racing heartbeat as I placed my fingers on the cool keys. The hundreds of eyes peering at me threatened to awaken the fear within me but I fought to maintain my focus. This moment was mine and mine alone.

     “Make sure you are on your best behavior tonight Jessica.” I nodded obediently as we stepped through the tall glass doorway.  As I beheld the splendor of the room surrounding me, the grandeur of the building took my breath away. The elaborate golden staircase, the dark green lush carpeting, and the magnificent sculpture that held the very appearance of a mounting flame of fire were all aspects that impressed upon me the magnificence of Abravanel Hall. My anticipation mounted as we wandered our way into the luxurious performance hall. The golden tiers and enchanting chandeliers mesmerized me as I sat awaiting the conductor’s entrance onto the stage. A hush grew over the audience and the orchestra members sat up attentively as Maestro Joseph Silverstein took his position on the podium. When the concert came to a close, pride swelled within my heart as my eldest sister Hilary took her place amongst the talented musicians. From the moment Hilary’s fingertips graced the ivory keys to the flourish of her final chord my soul was inspired as a yearning to be where she was developed within me. Even at the tender age of five I knew that I would do whatever it took to be where she was.

     Years later I sat completely immobilized as I listened to the names being listed. I knew my audition had gone well but was it strong enough to set me apart? As I heard the last name listed I numbly hung up the phone. I looked into the questioning eyes of those awaiting my deliverance of the results. I quickly cast my head down as I mumbled, “I wasn’t chosen.” The faces around me darkened as the news settled. “There’s always next year,” said my mother comfortingly. I bitterly retorted, “You’ve been saying that since I was eight. How many more times do I have to receive Honorable Mention before I realize that it’s not going to happen!” I tried to fight the tears that threatened to overwhelm me but my composure faltered, as the world around me became a blur. I felt a warm hand touch my back as I heard my mother whisper, “Think about it Jessica, I really think that it could be your year.” The internal conflict grew as I determined whether the risk was worth the reward. I had sacrificed everything and basically lived on the piano for the past nine years of my life but my efforts seemed doomed to reap no compensation. I felt my resolve begin to crumble as my determined dream threatened to spark an ember of hope within me. What if it really was my year?

     Over the next year my days were filled with complicated rhythms, dancing melodies, and passionate themes as I strove to perfect Sergei Rachmaninoff’s First Piano Concerto. My dreaded audition drew nearer as I thought of the advice my teacher had given me when I informed him that this would be my final year competing in Salute to Youth. “Pick a different piece Jessica. This is too challenging and it is never selected for that very reason!” Little did he know that those words would only inspire me to strive harder to master my own personal Everest.

     My stress and anxiety peaked on the day of my audition. I knew that all of my years of hard work weighed on this single performance alone.  As I sat down to perform I took a deep breath and let the nerves run through my fingertips as I struck the first chord of my piece. The audition flew by in a whirlwind and I left the stage with ease, knowing that I had performed to the best of my ability.

     The hours of the day sluggishly passed as I awaited the dreaded phone call with the results of the chosen finalists. Regardless of the positive nature of my performance I knew that my chances were slim considering the other sixty talented musicians I was competing against. I had to stand out from not only the other pianists but also amongst all of the instrumentalists and vocalists. The pain overwhelmed me as I picked up the phone to listen to the message that would determine my fate. I waited in agony as the Education Chairmen listed off the names of the featured soloists and I froze in shock as I heard her say, “And our final soloist is… Jessica Coombs.” The disbelief that washed over me was overwhelming. Was it true? Could it really be? Was my dream that I had developed as a young girl really going to come true?

     Reality converged with my dreams as the lights of Abravanel Hall poured down upon my fingertips.  I shattered the silence around me with a series of crashing chords. The orchestra propelled me forward in a frantic race as we brought to life the 3rd movement of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s First Piano Concerto. Our race came to a dramatic finish with the boom of our final echoing chords.

     The beauty of my moment shined above the years of defeat. Tears of joy streamed down my face as Maestro Vladimir Kulenovic said to me, “Jessica tonight I saw no student, I saw a true performer. You have a bright future ahead of you and I look forward to seeing your name.” I fervently shook the conductor’s hand as a reverence of gratitude grew within me. I could not contain the sunny grin that spread from cheek to cheek as I spotted my mother walking towards me through the sea of faces. In the trace of her beaming smile I could hear her tender words, “It’s your time,” but this time I actually believed her.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Television—a Gift from the Future {14}

     Since it’s invention in 1929, the television has served as a window to the world around us—providing us with instant access to some of the greatest moments in history.  From man’s first step on the moon to the falling of the Berlin Wall, the television has given us eyes to moments that we otherwise would have been blind. This technology has given us a venue for inspiration and enrichment in our lives. If utilized as an aid to learn, the television can enhance our lives on a daily basis. Many of my lifelong dreams and career aspirations were influenced by the impact that this great medium has had in my life. I aspire to share with the world the positive impact that the television has had in my life and the blessing it has been for my family.

     Television was gradually introduced in the United States after World War II. By the 1970s, the majority of households were equipped with at least one television set.
Since then, television has surpassed mediums such as the radio and the Internet to become the most frequently used medium in the U.S. This technological advance in history has impacted each of us in our daily lives from miniscule to profound measures.

     For me personally, the television has played a major role in my life. As a little girl I grew up enjoying the many programs that the television had to offer. It enabled me to witness events that influenced the way I perceived the world around me and ultimately influenced the career path I have chosen to pursue. I can recall the countless times, as a young child, that I stayed up past my bedtime with the hopes of catching a glimpse of the late night talk show my parents were watching. This early exposure to talk shows fueled my aspirations of becoming a broadcaster. My love of public speaking and my desire to have an impact in society by reaching as many individuals as possible made the media that much more appealing to me. The television has been a source of contentment and happiness in my life and I hope to one day share this joy with others.

     Serving as an insight to the imaginations of some of the most brilliant minds of our day, the television has served as a source of entertainment for decades. With the major influence that the television has become in our homes, some have become concerned about whether it is truly having a positive impact on the minds of our future generations. The television offers us countless programs with a variety of knowledge at our disposal; it is up to us to choose what we do with this knowledge. If we choose to utilize the vast variety of information that the television provides us with, our future generations will be more aptly prepared to lead our great nation to a brighter tomorrow.

]     Most family rooms in America would be considered bare without the heartwarming glow of the television. It has become a major part of society, influencing and shaping the minds of our future generations. My dream to be a broadcaster was inspired by the talk shows I enjoyed as a child. The television fueled my ambitions to work in the media and has led me to seeking the opportunities I have today. It has brought my family courage in times of need, and happiness in times of sorrow. My childhood and the events in my life would not have been the same if I had not had the positive influence of the television in my life. The television is a gift from the future that has the ability to enlighten our minds even as it entertains us.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

10 Best Studying Habits {13}

1). Manage Your Time Wisely: Whether it’s writing down a weekly schedule or keeping a mental checklist, make a plan for yourself before you study. There is time to get good grades, participate in extracurricular activities, and have a social life when you are efficient with your time. An organized schedule keeps you on track and makes social media, friends, and other distractions more manageable. Those who are disorganized with their time usually end up with last minute cramming sessions that result in the sloppy and careless work indicative of procrastination. You can easily avoid the stress and emotional exhaustion that accompanies procrastination by simply making yourself a study plan. Managing your time wisely can improve your grades and make learning more enjoyable.

2). Create a Conducive Study Environment: Each individual’s study environment should be catered to his or her personal needs. Determine what type of environment you thrive in and seek a place that fulfills your requirements. Make sure you choose a place free of distractions that is well equipped with everything you may need to study. Turn off all of your electronics and isolate yourself so that your only option is to study. Studying in the right environment can have a major impact on your homework and how you will perform on the tests.

3). Take Notes: Teachers will often give hints or suggestions in class about material that may be on an upcoming test. If you take good notes you will be able to determine how you should study for the test. Using a color-coded system or highlighting important key points, can also help you when you are studying for a test. You can make taking notes easier by using abbreviations, recording only the important information, and keeping all of your thoughts organized. Make sure you review your notes as often as you can to keep the material fresh in your mind.

4). Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to speak up in class. If you are struggling with a concept or don’t fully understand the information, consult with your teacher. Your teacher is there to help you and to make sure you understand everything that is being taught. Take advantage of the resources offered to you when you are learning—that includes teachers, tutors, peers, etc.

5). Share What You Have Learned: Albert Einstein said, “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” Share what you have learned with others. This will reaffirm what you know and will give you the opportunity to discover the things you need to spend more time studying.

6). Know Your Dominant Learning Style: Because each student is unique it is important for us to evaluate our habits and natural tendencies.  We all learn differently and some of us struggle with studying because we do not know what type of learning style we possess. Auditory learners prefer to hear the information, whereas visual learners thrive through visual aids and tactile learners benefit by doing hands-on projects. Knowing your learning style can maximize your studying and help you retain more information.

7). Motivate Yourself-Set Goals/Deadlines: Simply sitting down to study has very little value. You must be very focused on what you want to accomplish during your study time. Goals and deadlines will keep you focused and deliver results.

8). Read and Study at the Same Time: Read with a purpose. Instead of skimming through the textbook, stick to the four R’s: Read, Recall, Reflect, and Review.

9). Test Yourself: Flashcards, memory games, mnemonic devices, quizzes, practice tests, and group study dates are all great ways to test yourself. Testing yourself before taking a test is one of the best ways to solidify what you know and can help you determine how you will perform on the actual test. The only way to make sure you are retaining what you are learning is by testing what you know.

10). Take Care of Yourself: Maintaining a healthy diet and keeping yourself well rested are both vital to retaining what you learn. What you put into your body will affect the way you learn and process information. Make sure you are eating the kind of foods that will nourish your body and provide the brainpower to fuel you through your study sessions. Getting the right amount of sleep is an undervalued yet crucial part of learning. Sleep consolidates what you learned the day before and clears out useless information to make room for new information. Your brain and body need the rejuvenation that sleep provides in order for you to be at your best.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Are We Not All Beggars of the Lord? {12}

From the 19th chapter of Mathew we learn of a prosperous young man who came to Jesus and inquired, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” Jesus’ primary response was… “Keep the commandments” to which the young man asked which one? Jesus reviewed many of the notable commandments to which the young man replied, “All these I have kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?” he inquired? Jesus replied, “If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell all that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.” But when the young man heard these things, he went away sorrowful, because he had great possessions. He would not hearken to, nor obey the law of God in this matter. Then said Jesus to his disciples,” A rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

This young man enjoyed many earthly possessions yet his inability to follow the Lord’s invitation revealed his heart and true loyalty rested more upon his earthy treasures as opposed to demonstrating his willingness to forsake all and follow Christ to obtain heavenly treasures. The Lord might not have expected him to actually sell all his possessions--he may have just been testing his willingness to do so.

The Lord wants to bless His children. “And in nothing doth man offend God, or against none is his wrath kindled, save those who confess not his hand in all things, and obey not his commandments,” (D&C 59:2).
Neal A. Maxwell taught us, “Small minds forget large blessings! Proud minds ceaselessly inquire of God, what have you done for me lately?”
Brother Maxwell has further taught, “It is plain that what I seem to have I do not in reality own, and I will hand it back to the Lord when he calls for it; it belongs to him, and it is his all the time. I do not own it, I never did.”
If everything we have been given or will ever be blessed to receive truly belongs to the Lord, how well do we use the gifts and stewardship He has given each of us in blessing those in need regardless of why the need exists?-self inflicted or otherwise without any judgment on our part.

In Mosiah Chapter 4 the humble King Benjamin taught, “For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have? And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, O then how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another. And if ye judge the man who putteth up his petition to you for your substance that he perish not, and condemn him, how much more just will be your condemnation for withholding your substance, which doth not belong to you but to God, to whom also your life belongeth; and yet ye put up no petition nor repent of the thing which thou hast done. I say, wo be unto that man, for his substance shall perish with him; and now, I say these things unto those who are rich as pertaining to the things of this world.”

Honest and sincere humility helps us recognize and remember our daily if not minute by minute dependence upon the Lord. Many years ago, a young, up and coming baseball pitcher signed the largest financial multi-year contract in all of professional sports- at that time- for several million dollars. This amount of compensation was unheard of. When asked by the media and various reporters at a news conference, what he intended to do with all that money, his reply was simple and straight forward. He said, “You do not understand. It’s not my money. It belongs to the Lord, and He will hold me accountable for how I use his resources.”

This unusual response left those at the news conference speechless. This young pitcher had real talent, new found wealth and was on his way to becoming very famous- three ingredients that usually lead to arrogance and pride, but he shocked everyone by not basking in his own glory but rather gave praise to God for His goodness and blessings given and acknowledged the stewardship he had been given-he put the spotlight on the giver of the gifts.

The most selfless and humble servant of God our Heavenly Father is our Savior, Jesus Christ. He had Godly power to perform miracles on many occasions to heal the sick, cure disease, make the blind see, and even raise the dead. His stewardship was to save us and bless others continually without concern for his own needs. He more than any other person who has lived on the earth or who will yet live on earth had every reason to boast but he never ever uttered one proud or selfish syllable.

In the end as the scriptures and the prophets have taught and continue to teach- and as the Lord has shown us and as the sacrament prayers confirm: it will not have been a test of how much stuff did I have or how famous I became but did I serve the Lord by serving others with the stewardship he has given me and did I keep his commandments allowing me to have his spirit to be my guide and be my constant companion? At that moment of truth, there will be no bragging rights; just an individual and very personal confirmation that we were, in fact, beggars unto the Lord. We do depend on Him for every breath we take and every blessing he bestows.  


Saturday, November 1, 2014

An Adventurer At Heart {11}

My whole life I have longed to travel the world. I have always been baffled by the individuals that seem so content to grow up and spend their whole lives in just one tiny part of the world. There is so much that the world has to offer, there is so much yet to be discovered, and it is all out there waiting for me to go and find it.

The other day I was talking to my Grandmother about my dream to travel the world. She shared with me a few stories about the exotic cruises, ancient treks into the desert, and the luxurious palaces she has been to and seen in her lifetime. She told me something that instilled in me an even greater desire to explore the world around me: "Jessica, you'll never know what is out there until you go and see it for yourself. It is one thing to see it in a book or in a picture but it is a completely different experience to go and witness firsthand. There is nothing so magnificent as seeing the beauty of the earth with your own two eyes."

I hope to be able to go explore the world so that I can one day share with my grandchildren the wonders of the world that I witnessed with my own two eyes.